Mental health illustration
10 Oct 2020

World Mental Health Day

10th October is World Mental Health Day and a chance for us all to be aware of our mental health.

For 2020 World Mental Health Day our Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant Emma Martin shares some simple tips we can use to help our mental health at work. 

Ways we can all help our mental health

  • Take a break – moving away from our work station can improve concentration when we go back to work.
  • Drink an extra glass of water to calm and relax your brain. 
  • Talk to a colleague about something other than the tasks you are working on. A quick chat can help us feel sociable and connected which is good for our mental health.
  • Eat a healthy snack to give your brain the fuel it needs and maintain good blood sugar levels.
  • Reset by noticing 5 things you can see around you, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste next time you feel something overwhelming you.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know who you can speak to about things that are playing on your mind at work.

So Able Futures has been created to give you someone to talk to if you've got problems that are affecting your time at work, so you can make a plan for feeling better and getting the help you need.

Able Futures can give advice, support and information to help your mental health if you live in England, Scotland or Wales. Call us today on 0800 321 3137 to find out more or apply online.

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