Apply for support from the Access To Work Mental Health Support Service

Able Futures delivers the Access To Work Mental Health Support Service and in Scotland the nine months advice and guidance from a mental health specialist is delivered by Salus.

Are you employed or self-employed?
How did you hear about Able Futures?
Are you an apprentice?
Please tell us which condition(s) you can most identify with by ticking the relevant box(es):
You will be contacted by phone within one working day to confirm eligibility and organise your first meeting with an adviser to develop a plan to support your mental health. We’d also like to keep in contact with you about how Able Futures can support you. Please tick the box(es) beside ways you would be happy to be contacted by Able Futures.
How did you hear about us?

To access the Able Futures service, you must be aged 16 or over, live in England, Scotland or Wales and be in employment, whether as an employed or self-employed person. If you have told us you are unemployed then you are unable to access support from Able Futures. 

The eligibility criteria is determined by the Department for Work and Pensions and their Access to Work Mental Health Support Service Advisers will assess each application to determine eligibility.

We care about your privacy and handle your data with care. Please read our privacy notice for further information.